Taj Mahal

001 David on the walkway to the Taj Mahal 003 Taj Mahal 010 Detail shot of inlay & carving 004 Anil, my tour guide 005 White marble archway in the Taj 012 Outside the Taj at sunset.  Notice the guard saying it is time to leave 007 A look inside the Mausoleum at some of the stone inlay work 019 Young Bernado invites David to wear Mookesh's hat and dance outside an Indian resturant in Agra 006 Visitorsl gather outside on the steps and gaze back toward one of the stone entrance gates in the courtyard 013 Some of the surrounding walls and gateways around the grounds of the Taj Mahal 017 David says farewell to the Taj Mahal.  What an incrediblely inspirational jouney it has been 011 One of the towers outside the Taj at sunset 015 The dome inside one of the gateways to the Taj 008 Some of the fretwork cut into solid white marble and carved, along with more stone inlay 014 Inside one of the gateways to the Taj. 020 One of the many interesting faces that I saw along the way 002 Taj Mahal in India 018 Conversation with the owner and friends at fine Indian restaurant near the Taj 016 The doors in the gateways to the Taj are made from solid teak and reinforced with steel 009 This is a closeup detail shot that I took inside the Taj

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