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“In this DVD I will share with you the methods that have worked for me and my students for over 25 years to produce resawn veneers 3/32 of an inch thick.”

David will also show you:

•Ways to reduce vibration in your bandsaw.
•Tips for improved bandsaw fences.
•10 steps to set up your bandsaw to enable you to resaw your own thick veneer.
•A demonstration of resawing exotic wood into sequential matches of bandsawn veneers.
The DVD is 68 minutes in length.
From Marc Spagnuolo The Wood Whisperer: I had a blast watching it and I thought it was very thorough. I know many folks who saw your short episode years ago on Woodworks were probably hungry for more detail, and that’s exactly what they would get out of this.

Weight0.3125 lbs


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